sodium blood pressure

Managing your Health by Managing your Sodium Intake

Keeping blood pressure in check can be easier said than done because it is very easy to over-consume sodium on an average day. Roughly 75 million American adults have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major contributor to stroke and heart disease. In college I often had to rewrite diets as part of classwork and I always noticed that sodium was the hardest to improve because so many foods are high in sodium. Making a change to reduce sodium in your eating habits can be overwhelming. You may wonder why it is important to keep your sodium levels in check; let’s find out.


Sodium is needed in the body to function properly; after all, it is one of the electrolytes.  Sodium assists in muscle contraction and proper functioning of the nervous system. If your body has too little sodium, you may feel tired, lightheaded, or mentally foggy. Unfortunately, it is incredibly easy to consume far too much sodium on a daily basis. Some studies show the lowest amount of sodium with which a person can still function is around 500 milligrams (mg) per day (Thalheimer). That is roughly around two servings of canned beans.


The average American consumes over 3,000 mg of sodium a day, which is well above the recommended limit of 2,000 mg a day (Mayo Clinic). Sodium causes the body to retain water, so when a person consumes large amounts of sodium, it causes their heart to pump more liquid in their bloodstream. Simply, the heart is forced to work harder, which results in increased blood pressure. Therefore the heart gets overworked and wears out more quickly.


Certain foods are high in sodium, and it is important to limit them. Canned foods, frozen meals, boxed foods, and many restaurant items are often high in sodium. Sodium keeps food from spoiling quickly and gives it a longer shelf life. This is why high levels of sodium are added to these types of foods during processing. Fresh foods are always going to be a better option for lower levels of sodium. Flash frozen bags of fruits and vegetables are also fine options. Also, foods high in potassium are great options because potassium helps balance fluids by flushing excess sodium from your body (Myers).


As I mentioned earlier, it can be tough to improve sodium levels in the beginning. It seems that everywhere you turn, foods are packed with sodium. A good way to start is to focus on making a few small changes initially and build off of that. More food is processed today than at any time in the past. Excessive sodium increases blood pressure, known as the “silent killer” because it usually does not have obvious effects until a serious medical event occurs. If your blood pressure is higher than the doctor would like use some of this information to get yourself on the right track.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant





  1.  Get the Facts: Sodium and the Dietary Guidelines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. April 2016.
  2. Myers, Jasmine. “What Does Potassium Do For Your Body?” what-does-potassium-do-body.  Accessed February 22, 2017.
  3. Thalheimer, Judith. “Spotlight On Sodium: How Much Is Too Much, and How Little Is Too Little.” Today’s Dietician. Nov 2014: Pg 26.
  1. Sodium: How to Tame Your Salt Habit. Mayo Clinic. April 16, 2016.

resolutions podcast

Rick Adams Health Coach on the Evansville Podcast

Enjoy my segment on the Evansville Podcast from January 2017 where we talk about New Years resolutions and important tips to improve your health.

Evansville Podcast



Insurmountable Odds: How to make an Unlikely Comeback

The greatest comeback in Super Bowl history was coming back from a 10 point deficit. With 18 minutes left in Super Bowl LI, the patriots trailed the Falcons by 25 points. For most teams, this game would be all but over. Well, the Patriots ended up tying the game, sending it to overtime, and winning the game. In the 3rd quarter and up by 25 points, the Falcons were given a 99.5% chance of winning the game. Was it impossible to comeback and win that game? No. Was it incredibly unlikely? Absolutely. There is a lesson we can learn from this amazing comeback in our own lives.


We have all had times in our lives when our obstacles seem insurmountable. They can come in many different situations, like finances, family, health, education, or career. There are always times in life that will get you down, whether due to your own mistakes or to circumstances out of your control. That is when an important decision has to be made—do you push twice as hard to fight for your goal or do you decide it is too unlikely to accomplish and give up? If you want to reach your goals badly enough, no matter how difficult the resistance, there are ways to increase your chances of success.


Focus & Plan

When life gets tough, it can become stressful. Maybe you have to improve your performance at your job, or you have to improve your grades in school, maybe you find yourself running low on money. It can be tempting to become self-defeated, which makes the problem even more difficult to overcome. It is important to focus and plan your next steps. What steps can you take to start the process of getting yourself out of your bad situation? Every situation is different, so give some thought to your specific position and think of even small ways to make improvements. For example, rearrange your schedule to improve productivity at work, allocate more time to study, or cut back on unnecessary expenditures. The Patriots had to focus on scoring one touchdown before they could focus on the next three they would need in order to come back and win the game.


Take Advantage of Opportunities

In difficult times, you have to take advantage or even create your own breaks and opportunities. Look for openings to capitalize on and improve your situation. For example, is there a part-time job available to improve your finances, or can you make extra money from a hobby of yours? Is there a classmate that can help tutor you in school? Is your boss open to suggestions on improving the productivity of the workplace? Take advantage of situations like these, you already need all the help you can get. When all seemed lost, the Patriots forced turnovers and made big plays when they absolutely had to.


If you want something, you have to work hard for it. When you find yourself down in life, you have to work even harder. I will be honest, even when you make some changes to improve your situation, it may still be unlikely that you will succeed. The Patriots could have made all the correct moves near the end of the game and still easily lost. But remember this Super Bowl Patriots team when you find yourself on hard times in life. Even if you feel like you have a 99.5% chance of losing, you might just be able to win in the end.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


Improving Energy Levels

People often tell me they want to be more active, get more done, and feel better on an average day. However, many say they do not have the energy that they wish they did. If you feel that way, what can you do to boost your energy levels and feel better than you do right now? Let’s break it down.


Our bodies are mostly made of water, and many of the body’s functions require water. If you are not properly hydrated, then your body will not function properly and your energy levels will be low. Recommendations range from 64 ounces a day to half your body weight in ounces a day. Another important factor to consider is not just how much liquid you are drinking, but WHAT you are drinking. Certain liquids may not hydrate you as much as you may think. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means the body flushes out liquid by causing you to urinate more often. Coffee, soda, and tea can be poor choices for staying hydrated. When I was younger, I would drink three to four sodas a day. My energy levels were up and down throughout the day, and I often had trouble sleeping at night. Overall, my energy levels improved when I cut back on the soda (sugar and caffeine) and began to just drink water.

Eating Habits

What you eat can be just as important as the liquids you drink. Certain foods can lead to improved energy levels, while others decrease energy levels. Dark leafy greens offer many energy boosting vitamins and minerals, such as iron. Protein rich foods help keep muscles strong when combined with strength exercise. Certain foods like simple carbohydrates can leave you feeling bloated and tired throughout the day, especially when overeaten. Try focusing on fruits and vegetables early in your meals to fill up more on high-quality foods before your regular meal.


To improve your energy levels, you also need to take into consideration your exercise habits. Being physically active leads to having strong bones and muscles as well as an improved cardiovascular system. Resistance exercise makes your body physically stronger, allowing you to support weaker areas of the body (lower back, knees, and hips.) Cardiovascular exercise helps improve the efficiency of blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen flow to muscles and organs will improve. The cardiovascular system can now function more efficiently and with less effort. Also, exercise early in the day has been shown for most people to improve energy levels throughout the day.


All of the improvements I have listed above may not matter much without the proper sleeping habits. Most people need the recommended seven to eight hours per night. Everyone is different (I knew a man that only needed four hours a night!), so pay attention to what makes you feel the most rested. Make sure your sleep is as consistent as possible; not only does your body expect the same amount of hours per night but also the same timeframe (Example: 11 pm to 7 am). Lack of proper sleep can lead to general fatigue, lack of energy to perform exercise, mental fogginess, and even increased hunger.


As you can see, there are several areas you can work on to improve your energy levels. I would suggest working on one area at a time. Also, work on the easiest area first. If it might be hard to work on the exercise and eating habits, then focus on the sleep and hydration first. Once you feel it has become a consistent habit, move on to the next area you want to work on. With some dedication you can be more energetic, more productive, and happier.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


Health Coach Review: Yoga

This is the first article in a periodic series where I will give my honest opinion on exercises, eating habits, and other health-related activities. These articles will be about activities that are new to me personally and I will share my thoughts on them as a health professional.


Over the summer, I went to a free, outdoor yoga event at a local baseball field. It was a light-intensity workout that lasted about 45 minutes, and I enjoyed it very much. While I was there, I received a certificate for a free week of yoga at a local studio. Since the certificate was good for the rest of the year, I decided to use it in December when the weather became cold.


About a month ago, I started with the intention to try the different yoga classes and attend more than one a day, if possible. They had 30 minute, 45 minute, and one hour classes. The classes were based on yoga basics, power yoga, and Baptiste Power Vinyasa. I noticed quickly how much of a challenge yoga can truly be. Even simple poses like “Upward Salute” were fairly intense when following the correct technique (stretching hands towards the sky, lifting through the torso, shoulders back, and fingers spread apart). It focused not just on improving flexibility, but also strengthening the entire body as well.


Even with just one week of yoga, I could feel specific benefits. I am already a flexible person, but I did notice a slight improvement. I also noticed an improvement to my balance. Yoga can put you into unorthodox positions in which good balance is required. It can be easy to forget that yoga is a form of strength exercise and is a great tool to make your entire body stronger and more structured. Also, I enjoyed the end of our classes were we took a few minutes to lie down on our backs and relax with a lavender water-soaked facecloth resting on our eyes. It was a nice way to calm down and relax after a fairly intense workout before leaving class.


After my week was finished, I realized there are great benefits that people of all ages and abilities can receive from yoga. I believe that people who are not comfortable lifting weights or enjoy conventional gyms would benefit the most from this type of exercise. Due to the amount of stretching, holding poses, and the body strength required, it is also great for improving posture and relieving joint pain by improving joint-supporting muscles. While you are unlikely to bulk up through yoga alone, it will definitely help you become leaner.


Overall, I greatly enjoyed my classes during that week and continue to practice at home on my own many of the poses that I learned. I hope to return soon because I liked having instructors giving feedback in a small group environment. I already have a new yoga mat for when I get the chance to return. If you have an interest in yoga or want to improve your physical activity away from the gym, then have an open mind and give it try.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


Understanding Non-Meat Protein Sources

One misconception I hear from time to time is that you have to eat meat in order to get a proper intake of daily protein. While meat products do have all the amino acids to make a “complete” protein, they are not the only choice. There are several non-meat options available but there is a trick to getting the most bang for your buck when eating your non-meat proteins.


Proteins are made from 20 different types of amino acids. Thankfully, your body naturally produces 11 of those amino acids. The nine amino acids that the body does not naturally produce are called essential amino acids. They are “essential” because it is essential that you eat them. These nine essential amino acids are important for several reasons, such as fighting off infection, producing healthy skin, breaking down fat, and developing proper brain function.


There is debate whether there is a need to combine non-meat protein sources in order to receive the correct amount of all nine essential amino acids. This theory is known as “complimentary proteins” and deals with combining non-meat sources of protein. Some examples are pairing beans (legume) with rice (grain), peanut butter (legume) and wheat bread (grain), and cereal (grain) with milk (dairy). While some argue it is not absolutely necessary to make these combinations, you will intake all nine essential amino acids if you do.


Non-meat sources of protein have different amounts of protein in them. Some of the highest protein options come from dairy products like cheese, yogurt, or milk. However, there are a variety of non-meat foods you can eat in order to increase protein intake, including almonds, walnuts, green peas, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, spinach, artichokes, chickpeas (hummus), soy products, oatmeal, quinoa, lentils, brown rice, and black beans.


There are also protein powders that can be derived from some of the food items I listed above. The most common protein source in a protein powder is whey, which comes from milk. There are also protein powders available with soy protein, pea protein, and brown rice protein. Whey protein will always have the most saturated fat because it is derived from an animal source. Always be mindful of the sugar content of protein powder as well. Many people want their protein powder to taste good, but make sure it is not a glorified chocolate/vanilla/ strawberry milkshake.


There are many ways in which you can acquire your protein intake through a variety of different types of food. This does not mean you cannot ever have meat, but do realize it is not the only source in which you can receive appropriate amounts of protein.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


3 Ways to Set Yourself up for New Year’s Resolution Success!

Here we are at the end of the year. Looking back on the past year, we reflect on what we have achieved and what we hope to accomplish in the New Year ahead of us. People think about what their New Year’s resolution should be. Some people consider it seriously, and others somewhat jokingly say what they would like to accomplish. While many resolutions do not come to fruition, there are ways to achieve yours. New Year’s resolutions often fail because people do not set themselves up to succeed. You would not take a test or give a speech without some kind of planning or preparation. Let’s take a look at some ways to turn your resolutions from a wish into a realistic goal.


Put the Holidays Behind You

When the New Year comes, I often work with people that set one or more resolutions. Sometimes they say it in an apologetic manner, as if it sounds silly or cliché. They understand that many people set these resolutions but give up on them soon thereafter. Honestly, waiting for the New Year to set new goals for yourself is a good idea for several reasons. In the last few months of the year, the days begin to get darker, the weather begins to get colder in most parts of the United States, and the holiday season sets in (and with it comes stress, sweets, and large meals). As we head into January, the major holidays are behind us and the days (slowly) start to become longer again. The last few months of the year are usually difficult for most people and many people get off track with a healthy lifestyle. Don’t feel bad about making New Year’s resolutions; it actually makes a lot of sense!


Prepare and be Specific

Alright, you have decided that you are going to set one or two resolutions for yourself. Now how exactly are you going to follow through with them? Most people make resolutions with little thought on how they are going to reach their goals; unsurprisingly, this does not work. Before putting your resolutions into action, make a plan for how you will approach them. Set a time frame (Example: “For the next month…” “For the next four months…”), decide what days you will work on your goals (“3 days a week” “every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday”), and obtain what items you need before you begin (“gym membership” “Nutribullet”). Also, make sure to remind yourself of your goals to get into a consistent routine (set phone reminders, write notes on the calendar). By actually having a plan of action, your likelihood of reaching your goals increases greatly.


Partner Up

One of the great things about New Year’s resolutions is that many other people set them too. Everyone has a friend, coworker, or family member that has set a New Year’s resolution. It is a great opportunity to partner up with another person to help each other achieve both your goals. Accountability is vital to sticking with your routine and creating a habit out of your actions. Having another person to help you stay on track throughout the ups and downs improves your chances of reaching your long term goal.


Now you have a better idea how to actually make your resolutions into achievable goals. New Year’s gives everyone an even, fresh start to work on their resolutions. Your goals will still require hard work and may not always be easy. The more planning, preparing, and support you have the greater your chance of success. Best of luck on your New Year’s resolution!




CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


How to Have a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season

The Christmas season can be the toughest time of year to keep your eating habits in check with all the food, parties, and sweets. Combine this with the stress of the holidays and the colder weather, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be quite a challenge. Let’s address some quick areas to keep you on track this holiday season.


Workplace Snacks/Sweets

The workplace can always be a place full of snacks and sweets but it is never worse than during the holiday season. Bowls of candy and baked goods seemingly overflow this time of year. Throwing out all of your coworkers’ goodies would most likely be frowned upon, so you will have to rely on your own preparation. I know how tough it can be to avoid free sweets at the workplace. First, avoid being hungry. That can sound simple but be hard to accomplish. If you find your stomach grumbling before or after your main meals of the day, then pack a healthier option to munch on in between meals. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, and sunflower seeds are all great snack ideas to get the job done.


Holiday Drinks

While sweets may be the most obvious threat to your dietary habits, keep an eye on those festive holiday drinks as well. It is common to see alcohol served at Christmas parties with your friends and family as well as at your company Christmas party. Too many drinks can not only lead to some embarrassing situations but can also pack a large amount of calories. Make sure to have water with drinks to cut down the calories and stay hydrated. Also, while the most festive of holiday drinks, eggnog, is part of Christmas tradition, it is not the best option for watching your weight. It is a dense, creamy, and high sugar drink that gives you roughly 250 calories per glass. I suggest keeping it to about half a glass. (In my opinion, eggnog seems to lose its pleasant taste the more you drink it anyway.)


Try not to let your healthy habits slip too much during the holidays this year. As I often say, make sure to enjoy time with friends and family. Indulging in a few sweets here and there is alright but don’t overdo it; you should be able to get back to your normal healthy habits soon after the holiday season passes. Make sure to have some fun over the holidays and then we can talk all about our New Year’s resolutions in a few weeks.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant

Setting Realistic and Achievable Goals: 3 Keys to Reach Your Health Goals

It is not uncommon when I first begin working with someone that they have a long list of areas of their health that they want to address and work on. Eat healthier, exercise more, have better sleeping habits, drink less soda/coffee, manage stress better, etc. Those are all fantastic goals, but often people try to work on them all at the same time which can easily overload and cause them to not achieve their goals. Another issue is that someone I’m working with may want to lose weight but thinks they should lose 30 pounds or more in a month. It can sound like a good idea on the surface, but it is unrealistic through a healthy lifestyle change.  Understanding what areas of health you want to improve is important, but it is necessary to approach your goals in a realistic and achievable manner.


  • One At A Time

For most people, it is best to take on each goal one at a time. For example, put your effort into improving your eating habits, THEN start to focus on improving your exercise habits. Working on too many areas at one time often leads to failure with all areas you are working on. Create a list of which goals are most important to you. Make sure to have consistent success with each goal before moving on to the next goal. This makes the process more organized, less stressful, and easier to manage.


  • Break It Down

You may have one large goal, like trying to quit smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or trying to lose 50 pounds. The goal can seem quite daunting and so far away when you first start working on it. It is important to break down your long-term goal into smaller, more manageable goals. Using the earlier examples, you can cut back from 20 to 15 cigarettes or reduce your weight 5 to 10 pounds in the first month. Moving in smaller steps has a greater chance of success than trying to do too much, too soon.


  • Recognize Failure Can Lead To Success

Having realistic and achievable goals also means realizing it will not always be easy and you may not always reach your goals the first time. Roadblocks to success come up all the time. A family member gets sick, work responsibilities change, or the holiday season gets busy and stressful. Realize that this is part of the process to success. Go into accomplishing your goals with a mindset of learning throughout the entire process. Be open to better ways to address and succeed at your goals as you go along.


Whether working on many small goals or one large goal, always take time to break down your goals into manageable pieces. It takes time, effort, and patience to achieve long-term success. Learn from your experiences to find the best ways that work for you. While it may not always be easy, make it as manageable as you can to give yourself a realistic chance to achieve your long-term goals.



CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant


So…What Exactly is Health Coaching?

What a great question; I’m glad you asked! When people hear that I work as a Health Coach I often get asked, “Oh, so you’re a ‘health guy’, but what exactly is it that you do?” Since “Health Coach” is a relatively new title in the health industry, it is that people know little about the specifics of the position. Health coaching involves many areas of health, such as healthy eating, exercise, reducing/managing stress, etc. What really sets Health Coaches apart is the emphasis on disease prevention and behavior change through motivation, goal setting, and accountability.


Health Coaching goes beyond just sharing knowledge on health topics. An in-depth research journal described Health Coaching as, “A patient-centered process that is based upon behavior change theory and is delivered by health professionals with diverse backgrounds.” (Wolever 2013) Health Coaches often focus on the “Why?” Understanding the motivation behind someone’s goals is integral for him or her to reach long term success. It is also important to address past successes, past defeats, and future challenges that will affect someone’s outcome when addressing an area of his or her health. Health Coaches need to have the ability to fully flush out these issues to have a good understanding of the individuals they are trying to assist reach their goals.


I often get asked, “How does someone become a Health Coach?” It is important to have both qualifications and personal skills. Necessary skills for a Health Coach include listening, caring, motivating, and teaching others. Qualifications can vary for a Health Coach. All Health Coaches need to have basic knowledge of health topics. Having a degree in a health related field, such as nutrition or exercise science, lets people know that a Health Coach has spent much time and effort acquiring his or her expertise. Also, certifications are a great way to become more knowledgeable and qualified. These can include certifications as a nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga specialist, etc. One can also be certified as a Health Coach, such certifications usually deal with combining effective behavior change, nutrition, and fitness aspects. When looking to work with or to become a Health Coach, it is vital to have both the necessary skills and qualifications.


Having worked several years as a Health Coach, I understand the wide variety of people that you work with. Some people lack the basic knowledge of what healthy foods they should eat more and what foods they should eat less, whether it be for a healthy lifestyle, to lose weight, or to reduce blood pressure. Other people that I have worked with like nurses, dietitians, and even physicians, have that knowledge but struggle with putting those healthy habits into place due to stress, lack of motivation, or poor time management skills. A Health Coach needs to be versatile to help people with different problems and varying knowledge of health topics. A Health Coach should always strive to make the people he works with self-sufficient so they can live a full healthy lifestyle long term.



Wolever, Ruth, et al. “A Systemic Review of the Literature on Health and Wellness Coaching: Defining a Key Behavioral Intervention in Healthcare.” Global Advances in Health and Medicine (2013): 38-57.




CHES, ACE Health Coach, AFPA Nutrition & Wellness Consultant